Book Overview

Unlocking Insights from the Book of Revelation

Satan as the serpent, the beast, and the dragon is real, but he is still limited to God's story. It is time for the church to walk in the place of victory ordained by God to shine forth the brightness of His calling. The new Jerusalem is not a fictitious city set in a distant time beyond our reach and comprehension. It is a present reality granted to the church to boldly declare to our world what a satisfied life really looks like.

In The Descending New Jerusalem, Pastor Loren Covarrubias sheds light on a prophetic perspective that has been overlooked by the church. For too long, the Revelation has been overshadowed by those looking for an exit from creation when God is asking for those that are looking to demonstrate it. The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a story of conflict, the pervading influence of evil, and the ultimate triumph of God and His people. It’s time to walk as our Father intended and be victorious!

What People Are Saying

Craig E.
Craig E.
A prophetic book about a prophetic book
Most commentaries miss it. As G.K. Chesterton said, "though St. John saw many strange monsters in his vision. he saw no creature so wild as one of his own commentators". But this book gets the message of Revelation right! Pastor Loren is a righteous prophetic voice, who gives us in this book a fresh picture of Jesus and His bride, the church. Through this book, I see Revelation is like a song from the Lord that inspires us to face the future and "make ourselves ready," and not some special code of future events that causes fear and dread, or worse, escapism from purpose and process. Thank you, Pastor Loren! If you want to see the book of Revelation in a way that will fulfill the prophetic purpose of edification, exhortation and comfort- read this book!
Terra K.
Terra K.
Fresh, Inspirational, Holy Spirit Led!
I highly recommend this book to everyone who is hungering for more understanding about the heart of God and the world around us as this book is full of the meat of the Word! It opens up mysteries of God that have been hidden and misinterpreted for centuries, and makes them plain all the while inspiring excitement for His church, the Bride of Christ, to make herself ready. It exposes the error of the feeling of dread as time marches on and exchanges it for exhilaration and rededication. I have re-read this book several times and each time discovered even more manna from heaven, more golden nuggets of Truth. A must read for everyone!
Gail B.
Gail B.
Pastor Loren’s book will give you an insight to what the Lord is saying to His church for this end time hour. It’s truly the hour to Rise and Shine - and to know who you are!! This book is written for those who need the revelation for “Such a Time As This”. My spirit was so refreshed and blessed as I read this MARVELOUS book. Your spirit will be refreshed and ignited with God’s love and compassion. This is a must read Saints! Get one for yourself and for several friends. It’s a FABULOUS investment for an ETERNAL reward!
Michael S.
Michael S.
A completely unique revelation on Revelation
I read a lot and I love theology and apologetics. This book is more than an explanation of the scriptures. It is an insight into the heart of God for a Bride that will present herself without spot or wrinkle. Get ready for an amazing perspective and allow the Holy Spirit to open your heart to receive a fresh word.
Lisa M.
Lisa M.
This book is a fresh perspective of the book of the Revelation. So enlightening and encouraging! It describes what the Nee Jerusalem really is and how we can live today in Gods city and in His will! You’ll love it.
Gerri M.
Gerri M.
The Anointed Word
This book is truly God inspired. Pastor Loren has the Anointing of God all over him. This book provides an in-depth look at the book of Revelation. He clarifies the scriptures meaning and gives true insight to the complexity of this book.
Deanna G.
Deanna G.
A paradigm shift
The descending new Jerusalem has helped open my understanding and my heart to the book of revelation. It is a paradigm shift in how I think about our roll, as Gods people, to be a light in this darkening world. Father let your kingdom come, let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Kristy I.
Kristy I.
Amazing book!
Love the detail and revelation this book contains

Chapter 1

The Significance

of Revelation

Chapter 2

What is the

New Jerusalem?

Chapter 3

The Glorious


Chapter 4

Receiving Spiritual


Chapter 5

Becoming an 


Chapter 6

The Throne Room


Chapter 7

The Horses

are Running

Chapter 8



Chapter 9

The Two-Fold


Chapter 10

The Church – The

Bride of Christ

Chapter 11

The Serpent as

a Dragon

Chapter 12

The Lamb’s


Chapter 13


over Babylon

Chapter 14

Bride, Get

Yourself Ready!

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